WLTC Open House - Everyone welcome !

WLTC Open House will be held Saturday, May 13 from 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM. We will be participating in Tennis Day in Canada presented by Tennis Canada. 

Invite your friends and family! All events are free and everyone is welcome.

Scheduled Activities:

10:30 am - 11:15 am: Junior Clinic Ages 5 - 12
11:30 am - 12:30 pm: Pro Talk and Adult Games with Alex Lesiuk
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm: Serve Speed
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm: Hit the Target
2:15 pm: Door Prizes

And More ! Games, Prizes, BBQ, demo racquets, mingle play

Photo Exhibit - An Historical Look at WLTC 

Come check out the history of WLTC through a photo display. Over the last few years, Angela Narth (former Board Director) started to collect and archive WLTC memorabilia. Along came Alison Marshall (Club Member) who approached Angela to combine their efforts. Alison is working on a 5-year research project to understand the history of sport participation in Canada. Through her work, she has collected photographs from sports events coast to coast and combed through the archives at Sport Manitoba and Archives Manitoba, specifically searching for references to tennis in Manitoba and WLTC. Together, Angela and Alison co-curated the resulting photo exhibition to be displayed at the Open House. WLTC is very grateful to Alison for including WLTC in her research and bringing to us an historical look at WTLC. We encourage everyone to view this exhibition. A permanent display will be arranged. 

We acknowledge support and funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Alison Marshall, principal investigator (Brandon University), Pauline Greenhill (University of Winnipeg), co-investigator (2012-2017, grant number 435-2012-002))


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