- League runs until September
- Flex matches. Arranged by players.
- Players report their scores to ladders@wltc.ca
- Sign-up anytime during the current season
- There is no cost
- All players must be members of the WLTC prior to the first match.
- If you need to remove yourself from the ladder, email the above address.
- Matches are not given court priority and must follow rotation board rules.
- Notice the links at the bottom of the ladder. Here you can view details of past matches, etc.
- There is no limit as to how high a player can challenge.
- This ladder will be based on points. A player will receive 2 points for playing a match and 4 points for a win. Ranking within the ladder will be based solely on points. Movement within the ladder will be based on number of overall points.
Please note that in this ladder players move up based on points accumulated. It is not a ladder where the winner of a match switches with his/her opponent.
- All players must be members of the WLTC.
- Players who enter the ladder after July 1 may be placed at the bottom.
- All matches are played best of 3 full sets.
- Standings will be calculated as follows: 2 points for playing the match and 4 points for a win.
- If a match is incomplete due to rain, it will count as an incomplete match and no points will be awarded until the players complete the match.
- If a player fails to show for a match, he/she receives no points and the opponent receives 4 points.
- If a player must retire from a match for any reason,his/her opponent is granted the win. The retiree will be granted the 2 points.
- Players must accept a challenge unless unavailable.
- If a player is consistently rejecting challenges, he/she will be removed from the ladder.
- The winner is responsible for reporting the score to ladders@wltc.ca.
- DO NOT report the score to the club pro or leave a message with any club staff.
- If a player will be unavailable for an extended period of time, please email ladders@wltc.ca and it will be noted within the ladder so that other players know.